Preparing for Hurricane Season from an IT Perspective

Hurricane Elsa just made landfall in Florida, signaling the beginning of hurricane season 2021. You and your organization must be prepared for when a hurricane (or storm) hits. A big storm disrupts business as usual and returning to normal operation may take some time. Imagine how much longer getting back to normal will take when…

Top Reasons Why Your Business Should Use Cloud Backup Solutions

Things happen, we get and we’ve seen it. You knowingly set your laptop down on a magnet that destroys your hard drive, or someone steals your laptop while you’re not looking. Maybe a particularly bad storm creates an intense power surge wiping out your data and your on-site backup.  Not only can cloud backup help…

What is Ransomware and Why You Should be Aware of It

Gaining popularity and becoming a more common occurrence is Ransomeware attacks. We can already hear you asking, “what is Ransomware?” To answer your question, Kaspersky defines Ransomeware as: “Ransomware is malicious software that infects your computer and displays messages demanding a fee to be paid for your system to work again. This class of malware is a…