Tools that Will Make you More Productive in 2022

Productivity and efficiency are crucial to business these days. The workplace has been shaken up since the start of the pandemic. Some teams are working fully remote, some are hybrid, while some are back in the office. No matter what your situation is, productivity tools improve efficiency and productivity among your teams.  There are many…

How to Setup your Router for Customers, Vendors, Reps, Visitors

Your business may have many different visitors, from customers to vendors, you should have your router set up to enable them all to safely connect to WiFi while protecting your network. Having a steady and reliable internet connection is paramount to many jobs, and as such, it is nice for visitors, vendors, reps, and more…

Mobile Workstations May Change Your Work Life with Efficiency, Productivity, and Freedom

You may have a job where you’re mobile, moving around a lot throughout the day. Perhaps you work in manufacturing and you need to move from your office to the manufacturing floor, to shipping, and more. A desktop doesn’t allow for much mobility but a mobile workstation allows you to move and take your work…

DDoS Attacks Impacting VoIP Phone Systems

Communications are of paramount importance in today’s business world. With the advancement of technology such as cell phones and the internet, instant and quick communication is a must.  Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone systems brings benefits only dreamed about in earlier years. Using VoIP, you may answer your office phone calls from your home,…