A New Constantly Mutating Polymorphic Malware Tardigrade

The cyber security threats keep coming, and it seems as though they are only picking up speed. Recently, constantly mutating malware has been found targeting the biotech industry. The malware has been named Tardigrade due to its ability to mutate and adapt, allowing it to persist in different conditions. Tardigrade is a new strain of…

DDoS Attacks Impacting VoIP Phone Systems

Communications are of paramount importance in today’s business world. With the advancement of technology such as cell phones and the internet, instant and quick communication is a must.  Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone systems brings benefits only dreamed about in earlier years. Using VoIP, you may answer your office phone calls from your home,…

Hardware & Software Vulnerabilities Which May Impact Your Business

Believe it or not, not everything is perfect. We know, crazy right? There are vulnerabilities in both software and hardware which can compromise your network. These vulnerabilities may lead to annoyances while trying to work, a complete network outage, or even having to pay to regain access to your files (learn more about Ransomware in…

Preparing for Hurricane Season from an IT Perspective

Hurricane Elsa just made landfall in Florida, signaling the beginning of hurricane season 2021. You and your organization must be prepared for when a hurricane (or storm) hits. A big storm disrupts business as usual and returning to normal operation may take some time. Imagine how much longer getting back to normal will take when…

How IT Must Adapt to the New Office – Distributed Workforce

The Covid pandemic hit organizations in the spring of 2020. Suddenly, millions of individuals who were working in the office and onsite found themselves working remotely. The change came as quite a surprise to many and a big shake-up from the “9 to 5” office.  Remote work is here to stay. Employees enjoy and benefit…