What To Do When You Are Working From Home and Your Internet Goes Down

Chances are that you, someone in your home, or at least someone you know has transitioned to working from home since the onset of the Covid 19 pandemic. Many businesses and organizations have moved everyone they can to a work-from-home or hybrid position, only having them in the building when needed. Many businesses have seen…

Top Information Technology Trends for 2021

2020 was quite the year! With the push to work-from-home, we saw technology innovations accelerate to new heights. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced technology and businesses to innovate. One of the hard-hit industries is local restaurants. How could local restaurants bring in customers when customers are afraid to be in public and facing capacity restrictions?…

A Secure Way to Connect to Networks: Why you Need a VPN

Across industries, we have seen a gigantic push to work-from-home thanks to the pandemic. Many businesses and organizations have seen benefits from this, from work flexibility to reduced overhead costs, and are planning on keeping the work-from-home strategy in some form. Networks have been stressed with this push. Not all networks were designed to be…

Top Reasons Why Your Business Should Use Cloud Backup Solutions

Things happen, we get and we’ve seen it. You knowingly set your laptop down on a magnet that destroys your hard drive, or someone steals your laptop while you’re not looking. Maybe a particularly bad storm creates an intense power surge wiping out your data and your on-site backup.  Not only can cloud backup help…

Four Tips to keep your Organizations Network Safe and Secure

Our work networks have been changing lately. People have been working remotely for some time; however, with the pandemic, a vast number now work from home (WFH). These workers have been set up to access the company network while working remotely, changing the network in ways many hadn’t anticipated.  With the switch for many to…